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The unconventional early retirement plan for midlife careerists who want to be happy.
"A comprehensive introduction to things you didn't learn in school but should have. RESET is a complete program with enough motivation and details to make it easy to begin without being too complicated. You'll feel like doing one or two things right now."
Author, Early Retirement Extreme
"Tempted to throw in the towel and run away? Tempted by the greener grass on the other side? Well…be tempted no more…this book will actually let you “reset”. It’s a fun, compelling and, dare I say, tempting prescription to a different approach to life, work and play."
National clinical director, healthcare quality & improvement, Scottish Government
I'm a United Nations Award-winning CIPR Fellow, Social Media Examiner contributor, 2:40 marathoner, consultant, husband, friend, dad.
But most of all I'm a 47-year-old middle-class midlifer who, over the past six years, has reset his life. Since 2012 I've read hundreds of self-help books, and dived feet first into scores of adventures. All in search of meaning, purpose and happiness.
RESET is an unconventional, step-by-step, thoroughly researched, tried-and-tested early retirement plan for anyone who can't remember the last time they felt free. Follow this passionate self-help book's actionable advice and I guarantee you'll get happier – and richer – slowly.
Copyright 2020, Zude PR Ltd.
The Small Print: In case you're wondering, Jacob, Charlie, Stephen, Jason and William are some of my advance reviewers, who were kind enough to read a pre-publication pdf of RESET. It's now got 196 reviews and 272 ratings on Amazon (4.5*-rated). To get the first 8,000 words of the book on I spent ten months working full-time, all you need to do is sign up/subscribe to my free email list . If you don't want to stick around, just bag your freebie then unsubscribe afterwards. If you do like what I have to say, you'll receive blog posts, a weekly curated newsletter and other musings.
Oh, one last thing: you should subscribe soon. Because I may wake up one morning and take this page down, such is the idiocy of giving away the first 8,000 words of the potentially life-changing RESET...for FREE!
P.S. For bulk orders of RESET (perhaps you want to give every member of your team a copy) contact David Sawyer direct on dave@zudepr.co.uk (now available as an audiobook, too.)